This journal offers a concentrated space to release whatever is cluttering your thoughts, reflect on the impact of those things and develop action plans to make real change.
Over my nearly fifteen years of working with “busy women”, I have discovered several lived experiences that contribute to why women say they “feel stressed.” This journal highlights several of these experiences with processing pages to reflect on the impact of these areas.
My prayer is that this journal will help you release, reflect, and plan your next steps.
>> Spaces to Write >> Reflection Prompts >> Inspirational Quotes >> Coloring Pages >> Free Spaces
Family, Relationships, Children, Household, Work, Health, Spirituality, Finances, Personal Growth, Confidence, Friendships
If you have selected this journal, chances are your life feels pretty stressed. I am thankful that you have chosen to do something about it. This journal was created with you in mind.
This journal offers a concentrated space to release whatever is cluttering your thoughts, reflect on the impact of those things and develop action plans to make real change. This journal was emerged out of the author’s love and support of college students. College is a time of tremendous growth but also a time of new challenges and conflicts. This space is for you!
The topics included in this journal reflect topics that often arise with college students.
My prayer is that this journal will help you release, reflect, and plan your next steps.
>> Spaces to Write >> Reflection Prompts >> Inspirational Quotes >> Coloring Pages >> Doodle Spaces
Communication, Relationships, Assertiveness, Bouncing Back, Spirituality, Purpose, Confidence, Stress Relief, Self-Love, Self-Esteem, Wellness, Self-Discovery, Positivity, Reputation, Relaxation, Empowerment, Quiet Time, Make a Difference
If you selected this journal, then things in your life are probably pretty busy right now. This journal is a safe space to dump all the things that overwhelm your life. This journal was created with you in mind. Way to take care of yourself!
Teen years come with a lot. This is a space to think through the things on your plate. There is a space for just exploring your thoughts as well as spaces with fun questions and reflection quotes. This space is for you!
My prayer is that this journal will help you release, reflect, and plan your next steps.
>> Space to Write >> Reflection Prompts >> Fun Q & A >> Coloring Pages >> Bonus: Places to work on your drawing skills
Communication, Assertiveness, Friendships, Making Friends, Spirituality, Purpose, Confidence, Stress Relief, Self-Love, Self-Esteem, Wellness, Self-Discovery, Positivity, Reputation, Relaxation, Empowerment, Quiet Time, Make a Difference
This journal offers a concentrated space to release whatever is cluttering your thoughts, reflect on the impact of those things and develop action plans to make real change.
Over my nearly fifteen years of working with “busy men”, I have discovered several lived experiences that contribute to why men say they “feel stressed.” This journal highlights several of these experiences with processing pages to reflect on the impact of these areas.
My prayer is that this journal will help you release, reflect, and plan your next steps.
>> Spaces to Write >> Reflection Prompts >> Inspirational Quotes >> Monthly Planning Prompts >> Action Items Section
Family, Relationships, Children, Leadership, Work, Health, Spirituality, Finances, Personal Growth, Communication, Friendships