Planning a retreat? Need a retreat facilitator or speaker? We have dual-degreed professional counselors who can develop retreat workshops and different training to meet your needs. We provide highly interactive programs that will engage your group and facilitate team cohesiveness.
Our Training Services are a way to encourage employee well-being in the workplace. We offer workshops, seminars, retreats, and webinars for both large and small groups with a wide variety of topics to fit your business unique needs. For more
Having mentally healthy employees can create a work environment that is not only less chaotic but more cohesive. This can lead to happier employees and possibly even increased productivity in the work place.
We have over 40 workshops offered in order to fit your business needs. You can find a list of all workshops under Training Services. Visit our training shop
Our consultation services assist clients with either personal one-on-one consultations or company/organization solutions. Consultation Services include One-on-One consults, Corporate Programs & Initiatives, Organizational Development, Corporate Chaplaincy, and In-Service Training. For more
Our Consultation Services are beneficial in that it allows us to guide you through a difficult transition in life while offering ways to improve upon decision making.
Yes! Our clients can seek Consultation Services online, on-site, and in the office.
"Dr. Ca Trice is excellent! I found my sessions with her to be therapeutic and relaxing...almost as good as the spa!"
"Dr. Glenn is very understanding and knowledgeable of various subjects that deal with contemporary language. She is warm engaging and powerful. She has an ear too listen and a heart of compassion for ministers."
"Dr. Glenn is an amazing counselor with valuable insight!"