Parenting Styles and Its Effect on Children

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Jazmyne Howard

Being a parent can be challenging but it can also be rewarding. Seeing your child accomplish new things is a big feeling successful as a parent. Often how a parent perceives their child’s success will play a role in how they choose to parent their child/children. There are many different ways to parent a child. In fact, parenting styles differ as widely as parents themselves. Some parents may push their children into doing things the child may not want to do while other parents let their children do whatever they want. It all depends on the parents.

Many parents like to think that their parenting style is the best. However, we question how many parents can honestly admit which type of style they have. How many can honestly admit they know their parenting style could use a little bit of work? Some may not even know the common types of parenting styles.

Types of Parenting

Authoritative parenting is one. With this type of parenting, a parent or parents give their child/children definite rules and regulations to follow but they are also willing to listen to their child’s opinion. Authoritarian parenting, unlike authoritative parenting, does not value the child’s opinion and the child may perceive the parents as very strict. Permissive parenting basically allows the children to do as they please without any or few consequences. Passive parents often play the role of “friend” more than parents. Lastly, we have uninvolved parenting. Uninvolved parents basically reflect the name. These parents are physically there with the child but they do not engage in communicating with the child and are not as responsive to them. They only provide the basic needs of the child.

So with that being said, how do these parenting styles affect the child/children? Each parenting style has its own effect on children. Being an authoritative parent can lead to your child being happier and very successful. Being an authoritarian parent may lead to your child being very obedient but they are not necessarily happy and the child may struggle with self-esteem. Children that have permissive parents may have a hard time with authority or tend to do poorly in school. They may also struggle with feelings of happiness and issues of self-regulation. For parents that fall under the “uninvolved” parenting category, children tend to have trouble with socialization. These children can have problems with low self-esteem, happiness, lack of self-control, and self-efficacy. Although each style of parenting plays an important role in how a child will either act, respond or even perform, it is important to remember that each style may still have good qualities worth considering. What type of parent would you like to be?


Kendra Cherry, Parenting Styles (The Four Styles of Parenting)


– Tips on parenting styles

– More information about parenting styles


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