Solace Counseling and Consulting LLC

Empowering You to Go Further
Where do we go from here

Toxic Relationships

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Solace Blogs Home / Blog  Toxic Relationships Original Podcast | Dr. Ca Trice Glenn, LPC and Rev. Millicent Parker, LPC Developed by | Alyssa Simon Conflict and Control:Every relationship, whether it is a toxic or a healthy relationship is going to have conflict every so often. You will have those differences of opinion and those…

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Hand writing a forgiveness list on a wooden table


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Forgiveness is a topic that can be overlooked and not spoken of enough. Forgiveness should be a meaningful journey to go on and learn more about. At some point during every human’s life, you will cross that journey and path. A question that is asked a lot is “why should i forgive?”

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The medicine of laughter

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Solace Blogs Home / Blog  The Medicine of Laughter Michayla Maxwell In the World Today, we constantly battle many emotions to protect our mental health. We often find ourselves fighting self-doubt, anxiety, and other draining feelings. Usually, the solutions we come up with include self-care, mindfulness, or changing our health habits, but these aren’t the…

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Battling Anxiety

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Solace Blogs Home / Blog  Battling Anxiety Michayla Maxwell Anxiety is a feeling that is different for everyone. We can feel anxiety physically, mentally, daily, or spread out. Anxiety can sometimes hinder our personal growth; however, we can overcome anxiety and find ways to cope. In this blog, we will discuss how to identify that…

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Defeating Imposter Syndrome

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Solace Blogs Home / Blog  Defeating Imposter Syndrome Michayla Maxwell Anxiety, self-doubt, and insecurity are things we all experience in everyday life, especially in our professional lives. A phenomenon that includes these three feelings that have become more evident in students and employees is imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is the persistent belief that one’s success…

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Improving self esteem and confidence

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Solace Blogs Home / Blog  Appreciation April Tish King Self-esteem and confidence are essential factors that contribute to our overall well-being and mental health. They are vital for us to upkeep and build to experience growth in all other aspects of life. Self-esteem is our confidence in ourselves; Our self-esteem needs to be healthy to…

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Happy African American woman near brick wall outside

Building a Positive Mindset- Cultivating Optimism

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Solace Blogs Home / Blog  Building a Positive Mindset- Cultivating Optimism Michayla Maxwell Due to all our challenges, practicing building a positive mindset in today’s world is essential. A positive attitude is powerful because it allows us to bounce back from challenges and build resilience. Cultivating optimism focuses on seeing the glass half full rather…

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Building Resilience

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Solace Blogs Home / Blog  Building Resilience Michayla Maxwell Life is consistently full of hills and valleys. When at the top of our hills, we feel on top of the world and like nothing can stop us, but when we are in our valleys, it can feel like they last forever. As a college student…

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Living in the NOW

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The power of being in the NOW is the clarity, insight, peace and connection that you feel when you are there. It’s been there all along, under all that thinking about “what to do” that we tend to do.

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Appreciating The Little Things

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Despite wherever you may be in your life or despite whatever challenges may be thrown your way things could always be worse. I know that sounds a bit cliche, but it is very true. Instead of focusing on the negative you could begin to focus on the positive. By doing so, you will in-time learn to appreciate the little things.

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