
5 Declarations for the New Year

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This year, I challenge you to skip the guilt trip. Set your eyes on the ‘you’ that is coming into being. This year choose to focus on declaring new things rather than replacing old things. To make a declaration means that you make an explicit statement, not a hope or wish or even a goal. You make a determination that this thing you speak will come into existence.

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Managing Grief During The Holiday Season

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It’s here. Holiday season is upon us. For some, it is a festive time to spend time with friends and family, potlucks, gift giving, and all around cheer.

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Be Curious

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“Be curious,” when you want to worry about an outcome or get stuck on all the things that could go wrong in a situation.

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Seeking Peace

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What does peace mean to you? Is peace the absence of chaos and confusion or does peace involve knowing that all circumstances are temporary and thus transitional?

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Physician Heal Thyself

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“Physician heal thyself.” Most of us have heard this phrase and many of us believe we should be able to heal ourselves of all issues. “I should be able to shake off depression or I should be able to stop being so anxious.”

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Being a Good Steward of ‘Self’

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To be a good steward of something means you are aware of its needs and you care for it. Our needs change as we mature and our care approaches need to adapt as well.

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15 Ways to Boost Your Mood Immediately

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We all have those days where we feel overwhelmed, overworked, and undervalued. We all get feelings similar to these. When it comes to being happy, little things matter.

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Postpartum Depression

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Postpartum depression can occur after women give birth to a child and present with depressive symptoms. It is typically results from a combination of hormonal changes, adjusting to motherhood and fatigue.

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What Do You Do When You Feel Overwhelmed Because of Your Job?

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Have you ever felt totally drained from all your daily activities? Have you ever felt physically and mentally exhausted and worn out? Have you now dreaded going to work or school because of a project or stressful work environment?

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Grieving During the Holidays

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The air has gotten crisper, the leaves have changed, and our favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas shows have begun to air non-stop. This time of year reminds us to be joyous, thankful, and kind.

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