Keep Moving Forward

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By Millicent D. Parker | January 15, 2018

On this day we take time to celebrate a man who motivated, inspired and moved people to do and be more. In their lives, homes, work and communities, Martin Luther King Jr. called people to take action. That action would change their lives and the lives of those around them for generations to come. In a quote that spoke to many Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward” You have to keep moving in the direction of your dreams, your purpose, your calling.

He understood that we get to decide how we experience our lives, but we have to take action. No matter how small it may seem, taking steps daily can get you where you want to go. We often find ourselves feeling stuck when we can’t see the end result, but when we keep moving forward we will gain so much more than we thought possible.

So how can we keep moving forward?

Believe in you. We all have talents and gifts that make us uniquely who we are and the more we are w2illing to share those gifts and talents the more we more toward our purpose and passion.Celebrate who you are. While it may sound corny or cliché, it is true you are the only one who can do and be you, so enjoy it, highlight you good, learn from you less desirable qualities and celebrate the distinct characteristics that are you.Take a step toward your goal each day. Be it making a phone call that you have avoided or writing a list of things that need to get done today and following through on working on the list. Each action that you take brings you that much closer to your goal and allowing you to live out your passion.Enjoy the journey. Sometimes accomplishing a goal overshadows the experiences that we have along the way. The journey itself can teach us so many lessons and allow many opportunities for growth or expansion in knowledge. Allow yourself to be present or to “stop and smell the roses” as often as possible each day and take note of the clarity and change that you will experience in your life.

Keep it moving toward your passion. Make this year, 2018, your year to keep moving forward. If you can’t complete your purpose, calling or dream in one quick action find a way to do something related to your goal every day. Keep moving forward!

Further Reading:

Psychology Today Article – “10 Reasons to Keep Moving Forward

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