
Living in the NOW

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The power of being in the NOW is the clarity, insight, peace and connection that you feel when you are there. It’s been there all along, under all that thinking about “what to do” that we tend to do.

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Appreciating The Little Things

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Despite wherever you may be in your life or despite whatever challenges may be thrown your way things could always be worse. I know that sounds a bit cliche, but it is very true. Instead of focusing on the negative you could begin to focus on the positive. By doing so, you will in-time learn to appreciate the little things.

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Appreciation April

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Health, technology, freedom; we all have something for which to be grateful. Unfortunately, we often take these things for granted because they are the fabric of our lives and we assume they always will be. When we take the time to appreciate what we have we are more diligent in defending those things.

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Stronger Than your Fears

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Some people struggle with the word FAITH. Not sure what to have faith in or why. It is not my intent to decide that for you. Faith can be in whatever you believe in, some say God, some say a higher power, some say faith in themselves while others say faith in the universe. Whatever it is that gives you peace of mind, that reminds you that you are okay or a sense of assurance that is faith.

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Becoming Consciously Aware

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For the month of March, I challenge you to create a space for insight. Essentially, I challenge you to create space in which you enter mindfulness. What does mindfulness even mean you ask? It means to enter a state in which one focuses on the present moment and becomes consciously aware of what is happening in that moment.

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Being Mindful in Your Everyday Life

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How do we enjoy the present? Well, there are numerous mindfulness exercises, but at the end of the day mindfulness is as easy as remembering to do it.

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Give Yourself Permission

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Can you give yourself permission to do more than just dream about it, but to take action toward that dream or that goal? I know it may sound silly, especially as an adult, to think that you have to give yourself permission to do anything.

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Overcoming Adversity

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Everyone faces adversity. Adversity can come in the form of unwelcomed events or combative personal attacks, but everyone will encounter an adversarial situation at some point in their life. However, adversity when galvanized has the potential to instigate growth and positive change.

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Keep Moving Forward

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In their lives, homes, work and communities, Martin Luther King Jr. called people to take action. That action would change their lives and the lives of those around them for generations to come.

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How To Choose A Therapist

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It is relatively easy to find a therapist. However, finding a therapist who is a good fit for you might prove to be a challenge.

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