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Mental Health

Overcoming Adversity

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Everyone faces adversity. Adversity can come in the form of unwelcomed events or combative personal attacks, but everyone will encounter an adversarial situation at some point in their life. However, adversity when galvanized has the potential to instigate growth and positive change.

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Solidifying Self-love

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To solidify self-love, you must truly understand the meaning, and after understanding the meaning you must begin to push these steps forward. Now that the holidays are over, the Christmas tree you have so anxiously been wanting to keep up is down, and all your financial burdens are slowly coming to a close it’s time to focus a little more on you.

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Cultivating Lightheartedness

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Being lighthearted and cheerful is not the same as being carefree. In fact a cornerstone of meditation is to allow your thoughts and cares to flow by without chasing after them. Meditation, in essence, is an exercise in lightheartedness.

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Keep Moving Forward

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In their lives, homes, work and communities, Martin Luther King Jr. called people to take action. That action would change their lives and the lives of those around them for generations to come.

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How To Choose A Therapist

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It is relatively easy to find a therapist. However, finding a therapist who is a good fit for you might prove to be a challenge.

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5 Declarations for the New Year

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This year, I challenge you to skip the guilt trip. Set your eyes on the ‘you’ that is coming into being. This year choose to focus on declaring new things rather than replacing old things. To make a declaration means that you make an explicit statement, not a hope or wish or even a goal. You make a determination that this thing you speak will come into existence.

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Navigating Holiday Stress

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While the holiday season is filled with joy and cheer, this season can also bring a heightened sense of stress.

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You Spot It You Got It

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You might notice the flippant, nonchalant attitude of another, because you can be that way yourself at times. Most often a person does not like the behavior in another person, because they do not like that behavior in themselves.

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Your Words and Actions Make A Difference

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It is a good thing to reflect on how we make a difference in the world. Our words, actions and engagements have an impact on others. Even when we are not trying to influence others, what we say and do can become memorable to those who are paying attention.

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Managing Grief During The Holiday Season

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It’s here. Holiday season is upon us. For some, it is a festive time to spend time with friends and family, potlucks, gift giving, and all around cheer.

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